Branch Blog - New York, NY
Mon, April 04, 2011 • Dr. Sketchy’s Takes International Pillow Fight Day!

On Saturday, April 2nd, International Pillow Fight Day was declared. Cities worldwide hosted flash mobs of pillow fighters and Newmindspace was the glorious host of NYC's fight. by Rachel Fox We decided, why should photographers have all the fun? And so, we rounded up our art monkeys and invited them to crash the fight with us, sketchbooks in hand, to document the event with their pencils. by Paul Tuller by Yao Xiao Since only the bravest would dare venture into the fray, we decided to sweeten the event by inviting the beautiful burlesque performer Taryn Tulla in her leopard print drag costume to hold 1-10 minute poses for us in the side lines for an hour during the madness. by Yao Xiao by Melissa Dowell Matthew Borgatti, friend of Dr. Sketchy's, stopped by our group to hold a ten minute pose with Taryn Tulla while wielding his handmade Pillow Mace. by Melissa Dowell by Dr. Sketchy When we left, the fray was still going strong. But it was time for our thirsty art monkeys to dust the feathers off and go to the bar. by Rachel Fox Thanks to helper monkeys Syd Bernstein, Yao Xiao, Paul Tuller, Foley, Rachael Noel Fox, Taryn Tulla & everyone who came out to join us!

Mon, April 04, 2011 • Tags:

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